Rehearsals Tuesdays beginning February 28, 2023 on Zoom. In-person rehearsals will be on Tuesdays from the end of April through the show on Saturday, May 20, 2023, at 730 PM.

ONE ACT – TTYL is about a mother’s imagined conversation with her daughter, who is texting on the drive home. It explores the fragile relationship between mother and daughter. Sometimes, words not said are just as important as those that are.

Casting for:

  • Lisa  – daughter on the way home from the first year of college, played by 16-20s (Already cast.)
  • Mom – mother to Lisa, played by 40-60s, Caucasian (Already cast.)
  • Jess – Friend of Mom, played by 20s-60s (one line), any ethnicity (Already cast.)

ONE ACT – Cradle Robber is about a gay couple’s adoption of a newborn of a sixteen-year-old thwarted by the infant’s homophobic birth grandmother.

Casting for:

  • Sam – Adoptive mother, girlfriend of Alex – emotional, free spirit, cancer survivor – played by 25-40s, any ethnicity (Already cast.)
  • Alex – Adoptive mother, girlfriend of Sam – Stoic personality, agnostic, professional Psychologist – played by 30-50s, any ethnicity. (Already cast.)
  • Clara – Birth mother – played by 16 – 18, any ethnicity (Already cast.)

ONE ACT – my body. my voice is about a high school student who gets pregnant on prom night, an intoxicated college student who is raped at a frat party, and a gay couple going through IVF horrifically impacted by Roe V Wade being overturned.

Casting for:

  • Heather – Played by 15-20 year old. High school student, any ethnicity
  • Mona – Played by 20-25 year old. College student, any ethnicity (Already cast.)
  • Alise – Played by 30-45 year old. Married to Sarah. (Already cast.)

FULL-LENGTH – #NotOneMore is a dramatic production in two parts: BEFORE and AFTER, weaved together with a common thread of a school shooting. It takes an unflinching look at bullying, sexual violence, mental health, a school shooting, and its aftermath. In BEFORE, four teenage girls recall a typical school day horrifically morphed into being trapped in a school shooting. AFTER explores the unexpected connection in a loss support group between three parents and one of the teenage survivors left behind. Each is grappling to find answers and reasons to carry on despite their shattered lives.

Casting for:

  • Maddie – 15 to early 20s – deceased teen victim of a school shooting, artist, LGBTQIA, any ethnicity (Already cast.)
  • Erika – 15 to early 20s – teen survivor of a school shooting, loner, LGBTQIA, any ethnicity (Returns in Act 2) (Already cast)
  • Shannon – 15 to early 20s – teen survivor of a school, cheerleader, biracial / person of color (Already cast.)
  • Em – 15 to early 20s – teen survivor of a school shooting, band kid, dealing with trauma through cutting, any ethnicity (Already cast.)
  • Therapist – played by 30s-80s, female – local church leading grief counseling group (Already cast)
  • Rose – played by 40s – dealing with loss of son, always put together (Already cast)
  • Wendy – played by 40s – dealing with potential loss of daughter, biracial / person of color. (Already cast.)
  • Aubrey – played by 40s – dealing with loss of son, disheveled (Already cast)

FULL-LENGTH – Called the Vagina Monologues for boobs in its workshop, the setting of Breast Advice is two busy, crowded backstage dressing rooms with casts preparing for a show. It features all social-media-curated original monologues to make the audience laugh and cry, which hopefully will do for boobs what Eve Ensler did for vaginas.

Casting for:

  • 17 roles (Already cast)

Deborah Bostock-Kelley – Playwright/Director

Deborah Bostock-Kelley is a multi-time playwright whose plays have been seen across stages in Tampa Bay. She received a 2022 Gobioff Foundation Grant for her play in theTampa Bay Theatre Festival, the inaugural 2019 Tampa Bay Theatre Festival Denise Deneen award for her work in theatre, and is a 2017 recipient of Theatre Tampa Bay’s Jeff Norton Dream Grant.